Essay On Dental Hygienists

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A dental hygienist is a licensed dental professional who is experienced with a dental organization. Dental hygienists provide information on a patient’s dental health, oral hygiene, and how diseases can affect a patient’s oral health. They are a primary health care expert who works independently, or in company with a dentist and other experts as a team to provide full oral care to patients. Dental hygienists obtain training and education that particularize in the obstruction and treatment of oral disease. Hygienists determine a patient’s condition so they can offer educational information on how to maintain excellent oral health. A dental hygienist can implement examinations, make a diagnosis, administer fluoride, and provide instructions on …show more content…

The low percentage of dental hygienists have earned less than $49,190, and the high percentage have earned more than $97,390. While many dental hygienists do indeed make $71,520 annually, those who have many years of background and have spent about 6 years working for their current employer earn more money. Now that dental hygienists are in such demand their salary has gone up right away. For many dental hygienists who work full-time for a single employer receive $71,520, while part-time dental hygienists get closer to $49,190. Now that dental hygienists are in such demand their salary has gone up right away. The dental hygienists who work part-time often job-hop way more than experienced hygienists. Yet, both full-time and part-time hygienists tend to work for 4-5 employers compared to a hygienist with years of experience who job-hop for 2 employers. It’s not a coincidence that the seasoned hygienists who have demonstrated commitment to their practice have the higher average salary. If a job offers $30,000 a year and if no raise is given for about forty years, over the course of time the amount of money earned will be 1.2 million dollars.

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