
Essay On Disengagement Theory

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Part Two The mutual disengagement and withdrawal between the older adult and society are one of the sociological theories of aging; the disengagement theory (Touhy, Jett, Boscart, & McCleary, 2012, p. 93). This theory does not apply to Gurdeep’s life as she moved in with her son’s family and constantly interacts with each of them every day. She also volunteers at the gurdwara daily and is still engaged in her spiritual and religious activities helping her increase her social interactions with those other than family. Due to the distance and her age, however, she has lost contact with many of her friends which applies to the disengagement theory where the older adult withdraws from their normal activities and interactions with society.
The Activity Theory is linked to successful aging through physical activity, social activity/engagement and the roles an individual plays in their lives in a society (Touhy et al., 2012, p. 93). The activity theory applies to Gurdeep because she participates in physical and mentally stimulating activates in her daily routine, she goes on walks to the beach with her husband every day and also does puzzles and reads books to her great-grandchildren. These activate …show more content…

Individuals within the same cohort tend to stick together because of similar historical life events that they have witnessed or experienced (Touhy et al., 2012, p. 94). At any age, most individuals prefer to interact mainly with there birth cohort and Gurdeep is not completely following this theory. She has limited social interactions with anyone other than her family and individuals she has met at the gurdwara. Most of those individuals are not her age and she is usually interacting with individuals younger than her. This can cause feelings of loneliness and a sense of not belonging but it also helps her understand the world from a different viewpoint she may not have thought

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