The Disengagement Theory

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Disengagement theory is a concept originally proposed by two social scientists, William Henry and Elaine Cumming in 1961 (Disengagement Theory, 2014) who were keen on studying the ageing process. According to their theory, the disengagement theory implies that in every society, the elderly undergo a process of adjustment in which they eventually leave important public roles and narrow their social world to family and friends. As people age, they tend to grow more fragile are prone to withdraw from the society. Their social circles shrink as they start to draw back and become less actively involved. This concept however, can be a mutual process as the society begins to be engage and include older people lesser which results in an evitable mutual …show more content…

Of these four outlooks, disengagement theory was the most conceptually developed. At the same time, it was also the most open to charges of ageism. The consequences of ageism are similar to those associated with all attempts to discriminate against other groups and persons subjected to prejudice and discrimination tech to adopt the dominate group’s negative image and to behave in ways that conform to that negative image. This could be viewed as an excuse to explain why society is less welcoming to older adults and justifies the barrier to participation in social activities for older people (McMahon, 2015). Although disengagement theory was most conceptualized and popular theory when it was first initiated, it was also most open to charges of …show more content…

It too explained the changes of declination that comes with ageing that happens in terms of physiologically, psychologically and also social interactions. Over time, scholars soon shunned the disengagement theory, mentioning that empirical observations does not justify the theory.

The disengagement theory was discredited by social scientists and gerontologists due to the conflict of theory and negative views regarding old age. Modern gerontology argued that the disengagement theory is debateable and was disagreed amongst many. Critics pointed out that every so often, this disengagement is enforced rather than a voluntary or natural aging process. In addition, it was vastly controversial as it introduced discrimination and prejudice against the elderly. According to the theory, older workers are devalued because they are no longer seen as economically