Breaking The Cycle: Annotated Bibliography

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Breaking the Cycle: Annotated Bibliography

Dury, Rona. "Social Isolation and Loneliness In The Elderly: An Exploration Of Some Of The

Issues."British Journal Of Community Nursing 19.3 (2014): 125-128. Academic Search

Complete. Web. 12 Aug. 2015

Rona Dury’s research in the British Journal of Community “Nursing Social Isolation and

Loneliness In The Elderly: An Exploration Of Some Of The Issue” provides a detailed

look into how social isolation has adverse health effects on the elderly in society. Dury’s

knowledge as a nurse practitioner aids her in her strong conclusions and exhibits her

unrelenting commitment to provide resources to an aging population. Dury gives a

comprehensive look at the effects of loneliness and social isolation and supplies …show more content…


believes it is important to make frequent and purposeful interactions with our at-

risk senior citizens.

Putnam, Robert D. "Thinking about Social Change in America." Bowling Alone the Collapse and

Revival of American Community. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. 19. Print.

In Putman’s book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American

Community, he utilized vast amounts of data to come to his conclusions about our

countries decline in social capital. Furthermore, his book talks about the revival of the

American community spirit and illustrates how we as a society have steadily moved away

from meaningful connections with family, friends, and neglected our sense of community

with our fellow man. Putman also describes what we can do to get back to our roots of

societal togetherness through volunteerism and other civic duties and, in turn, instill a

deep sense of cohesive relationships for future generations of Americans.

Putman has written numerous publications about the steady decline in American