Essay On Epidemic Outbreak In The United States

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Epidemic Outbreak in the United States
With news outbreaks starting to emerge in the United States it is clear that any country is susceptible to Epidemic outbreaks. Past outbreaks such as swine flu, Ebola, Pertussis, and now the Zika Virus has all caused the public to question if the United States is prepared for any major epidemic outbreak to happen. Everytime there is a major outbreak in another part of the world the United States takes extensive precaution because of the fear that It would spread to here. All the other epidemics that have been located in the United States were always able to be controlled because of vast amounts of research and precaution. In recent years the United States has not encountered a disease that was not able to been controlled. But what if there is a disease that Is so contagious and …show more content…

Today the climate control is an issue because of the new outbreaks of epidemics transmitted through Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes live in humid climates and are capable of thriving in a variety of locations. As temperatures start to rise, environments become more suitable for mosquitoes to live and reproduce, this means that they can appear earlier in the year. Discovery news says, "It’s notable that the 2012 West Nile Virus outbreak in the United States followed an unseasonably warm late, spring, summer and early fall." Scientists believe that the warmer climate is in fact due to global warming.The West Nile virus outbreak is an example of how mosquitoes have spread epidemics in the United States. Right now people aren't as concerned about climate control because the rise of temperatures and oceans give us time to take precaution since it is happening at a slower rate. But the spread of deadly diseases is something we cannot slow down because they spread in numerous of ways. The United States will not be able to stop global warming from occurring thus still making them not prepared for future epidemic

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