African American Imperialism Analysis

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The most significant cause of European Imperialism in both Africa and China was the belief that one country was superior in comparison to another. In Africa, the belief that one country was superior in comparison to another led many European countries to justify their reasonings for colonization. They believed that the African countries would benefit from them sharing their way of life. In fact, Chamberlain states in his speech to the Royal Colonial Institute, “I maintain that our rule does, and has, brought security and peace and comparative prosperity to countries that never knew these blessings before” (Chamberlain 1897). In China, the belief that one country was superior in comparison to another led the Chinese to refuse …show more content…

Despite the fact that the belief that one country was superior in comparison to another was present in both situations of European Imperialism, in Africa, the European countries were the ones that believed they were superior and as a result of their belief, they justified their other reasonings for imperialism. These European countries believed that because they were superior, they needed to maintain and increase their power by colonizing other countries. In contrast to European Imperialism in Africa, in China, the Chinese were the ones that believed that they were superior. As a result, when Britain proposed the idea of trade to China, the Chinese refused. The Qianlong Emperor sent a letter to King George III stating, “I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your country’s manufactures” (The Qianlong Emperor 1793). The Chinese refusal of trade with Britain ultimately led to the Chinese loss of the Opium War and allowed the British to gain control over China. Although the most significant causes of European Imperialism in both Africa and China were similar due to the fact that the belief that one country was superior in comparison to another was present in both situations, the most significant causes also differed in which country held the …show more content…

Despite the fact that the most significant method of European Imperialism in Africa was the “Standard Treaty” and the most significant method of European Imperialism in China was the Opium War, both instances of European Imperialism were quite similar. In both situations, the use of a treaty was present. The treaties being used in both situations were unfair and gave the European countries control over the region that was being imperialized. Both situations demonstrated Europe’s extreme power. The regions of Africa and China both knew that if they refused to sign the treaties, Europe would threaten conflict. Because Europe was superior in comparison to Africa and China, both Africa and China knew that they would not be able revolt against European power. If they were to revolt, they would not succeed and in doing so, they could be putting the lives of their people at risk. Although the most significant methods of European Imperialism in Africa and China were different, they were similar because the use of an unequal treaty was present in both