Three Different Types Of Football Players Essay

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Three different types of Football Players Through my days of playing football I've come to see a very common phenomenon when it comes the type of players that you will encounter while playing the sport. From my experience there are three definite types the quitters, the full-hearted, and the wannabe all-star and that's the large majority of all the of the players in the sport and here it is. First are the quitters, this guy is the person that over time gets weeded out, these players are the people who want to be the all-stars but aren't good enough and never turn out too be anything special. These players are often times spoiled as children and get what they want on a regular bases so when they don't get what they want they tend to leave the game in general. Because of this it's only a matter of time before these people quit. It's hard to hold a lot of respect when it comes to these player solely to the fact that they quit just because they didn't live up to an expectation they put on themselves, it's selfish and if that's their big concern maybe they shouldn't be on the team but that's a personal opinion so take it how you want to. The second type is the full-hearted, I can relate to this player, because I was this player, these are the most loyal and hardworking players you can have not being cocky in any way, as this player its not about being the best or your personal …show more content…

Whether or not you've ever played the sport you can really almost but different types of people in ever social event regardless of if it’s a sport or a study group. But in this sport it's clear and a lot of the time it shows the type of person they are as