A Brief Note On 'The Ely Tigers Reversed The Dillard Panthers'

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Football DBQ The Ely Tigers versed the Dillard Panthers. They had an instant win at the end of their football game. They don’t know if it was a lucky catch or if it was a skilled catch. From reading through all of these documents from the story, they proved that Donnell Wilson caught the winning touchdown because it was a clean catch, didn’t have a penalty, and he caught it across the touchdown line. The referee, Owen Dyson said,” Donnell Wilson made a nice clean touchdown at the end of the game, no penalty involved.” (Doc 8) What really happened was that was that Donnell Wilson caught it. I find this true because in most of the opinions of who he interviewed said that he caught it. For example, coach said,” Great catch! Unbelievable! Donnell