Essay On Frankenstein

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While analyzing the story Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the psychoanalytic theory is shown very much throughout the story. The idea of how our behavior is influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and desires is displayed in multiple characters in multiple ways. Even involving childhood trauma that results in issues later in life can be displayed throughout the story. While reading the story, you can just see and feel and sense how all of these characters have developed in a lot of different ways from each other. They all have unique ways of thinking, feeling, and showing, especially the monster as well as Victor Frankenstein. The origin of Victor Frankenstein is a weird but quite interesting story. Growing up in Geneva, Frankenstein went to …show more content…

Being created by Victor Frankenstein in a lab, being assembled by old and used-up body parts, not having a complete human understanding of everything. Looking like a weird and dated and not normal creature made him not accepted in the population by others deeply affected him. Hhadds lives every day with the thought that he was not accepted and living with the sadness of not being the others, even though he still does not have a complete understanding of the process of humans, he had feelings. You can tell that the creature felt a whole bunch of emotions throughout the story, and experience a huge combination of happiness, sadness, loneliness, and a lot of others. In Chapter 17, The monster was feeling very lonely, so while talking to Victor Frankenstein, the creator tells him “You must create a female for me, with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being.”. The creature expresses his need for wanting a female partner so that he can no longer feel lonely about himself and have a connection with somebody that is just like himself and won't stand out as much because he has somebody right by his side that is just like him. He expresses multiple emotions, like sadness, anger, and happiness. Sadness because he is lonely. Angry because he is not like the rest. Happiness is because of the thought of having another person just like him. The creature is a true minority in the story where he stands out from the others. While some people may experience that in today's modern world, there will never be something that is anything close to the creature, because he was the only possible one that was created in the lab, and there was no other companion for him, even though he asked. Victor Frankenstein does eventually make another monster, but the emotion that came with him being all alone before he made another one cannot compare with anything right now in