Examples Of Motives In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein as a book was filled with the feelings of lost motives and finding how abandonment and loneliness can come back harder and make the life that connected them could corrupt everyone who is connected to them. Frankenstein's monster is a great example of how his motives had changed and made the characters in the book make there life change and contort to become something from the fear of responsibility to facing the consequences of abandoning. The monster had shown that the all he wanted was to feel as if he wasn't lonely and that had stayed and changed his character from learning to hatred and his wished had stayed the same. The monster had made his creator his imagine of success with love and looks and was shown with the feeling …show more content…

His actions had made his life and problems become harder and more painful without anyone to be helping him with everything he had known.The monsters motive was the changed in the book rather and became the main story of the book and creating a shift from rather and showing how his motives had an effect upon his master and the person he loved most. This was shown with the complexity of the hardships and him destroying his masters life, breaking of the mind and still having a set motive changing and making the monsters actions change from innocents and learning to a more hatefulness for love because of the actions of his master. The monsters motives had been set of the attention of his master even though he hadn't said and stayed by his masters side from the monsters birth to his masters death still reminiscing upon his life with his master. Frankenstein's life had dictated what the monsters life would have been and reflected the feelings of the monster to feel the same hardships the monster had felt. Frankenstein had played the role of the the person the monster had wanted the most attention from rather than his own love, this had been played by the end of the book as the monster couldn't let the only person he had felt close to and had loved leave