Personal Narrative: My Gaming Area

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Lots of laughs, yelling at my screen because of a death, and plenty of pizza is what comes to my mind when people mention my gaming area, it's the place where many friendships have been constructed and is classified as a part of my life. When I'm home I enjoy spending hours upon hours playing with friends from my old school or with people from around the world. If I could describe my gaming area in one word, it would have to be comfort. People that walk into my gaming area may think very little to nothing of it, but to me it's very significant place where you can be free and do whatever you want, if it's legal, a place to manufacture memories and to make special bonds with people, whether they're in the same state as you or all the way across the globe. The setup of where all of these gaming memories are made however is nowhere near complex though: there's a TV mounted to a desk, 2 cubed chairs and futon on my carpet, a PlayStation 4 on my desk, which is where my recent gaming memories are made on, an …show more content…

It might be because of the people that I play with/against I don't know, or it may be because I've been doing it for so long that I'm used to it by now, all I know is that it tends to comfort me whether it be through a tough time or if I just want to have a relaxing weekend. To me, playing the game for hours and hours is kind of like hopping in your bed after a long day and wrapping the blanket around your body: relaxing and very comforting. All I know is that my gaming area is one of the most important places to me, it's like a 2nd home that will always be welcome to me and my kids when I get older, and I'll probably be gaming until I die, my skill in the games I play may decrease drastically, but I will still enjoy gaming whether it be for the comfort or the nostalgic feeling because of the many memories I had acquired as a young

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