
Rhetorical Analysis Video Games

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Rhetorical Analysis Essay In the article “Playing Video Games is Good for Your Brain” by Mark Griffiths, published in the Washington Post he claims that playing video games isn’t as bad as people think and that playing video games can improve people’s mind. For years the public has viewed video gaming to have a negative effect on its users. Some negative effects include increased aggression, obesity, and addiction. Griffiths believes that there are more good than bad and talks about how there has been studies that showed the benefits of playing video games. For example, gaming can be used for educational and therapeutic uses. Studies have also proven that playing video games can improve hand eye coordination and reaction time. This essay …show more content…

The interest that gamers would have for this article is knowing the benefits of playing video games. These benefits that are presented in the article are supported by researchers. For example, one reporter is Vikranth Bejjanki who is a researcher for the National Academy of Sciences. The gamers would also be interested in the ways gaming can affect other people. Another targeted audience is doctors. In the article it talked a lot about how gaming can be used for therapeutic uses and even for kids after chemotherapy. “A number of studies have shown that when children play video games following chemotherapy, they need fewer painkillers than do others” (paragraph 11). Teacher are also another group of audience because they can learn how gaming can be used to help kids learn better in the class room and studies have shown that “video games have great educational potential in addition to their entertainment value” (paragraph 12). For instance, teachers can used games for motivating, engaging, interactive, and provide rewards and reinforcement to improve. That way kids in the classroom are more engaged with the materials that are taught in class. The last group of audience that are targeted in the article is gamer’s parents. They would be interested in this article because a lot of parents do not want their kids to be playing video games, but maybe after they see the article they will see that there are so many benefits to playing video

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