Gas And Intestines Essay

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The gasses in the stomach and intestines, accompanied by bloating immediately after eating, fall into fairly common digestive ailments. If you are prone to them, take care not only about what foods you eat but how you do it. Therefore, a balanced diet is as important as the proper combination of the meals. Why occurring gasses in the intestines?

More than 90 percent of gas in the intestines makes a mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and methane rarely. All of them are in our environment. Nitrogen and a good part of the CO2 and O, come from the air we swallow during meals and when we drink the liquid.

When chewing gum or smoking cigarettes also create strong gasses in the stomach. How in the upper parts of the stomach and the intestines.

Bacterial decomposition of the amino acids can be created by …show more content…

It occurs as a result of taking certain foods. In the case of swelling, the air remains longer in the digestive system and can then be reported to cramps and gasses in the stomach.

Which foods cause gas and bloating

The painful gasses in the stomach odor to a great extent caused by our daily eating habits. There are foods that should be avoided and they include:

Undigested sugars (fructose, lactose, etc.).

There are in milk and dairy products, carbonated drinks, some spices, fresh fruits too. This is definitely a food that produces gas and should be avoided all persons who are prone to them. In addition, the poor combination of foods can cause disturbances in digestion and cause stomach bloating.

Artificial sweeteners and other types of additives

They are often found in processed foods and should be avoided. Causing problems such as bloating and gas in the stomach. The same problem causes and beans, potatoes, cabbage, kale, broccoli and animal fat.

Prohibited combinations of foods

You should never mix carbohydrates with proteins of animal

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