Essay On George Orwell's Invasion Of Privacy

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Everything you do is being watched thanks to NSA. Americans privacy is being revoked because of new technology. From “cookies” tracking your computer to drones following you on the street. Technology is becoming an immense part of our everyday life. We tend to forget how powerful technology can be. Faces have been tracked using cell phone information, you may want to consider this next time you unlock your phones with your face or fingerprint. Whatever you allow to be posted on the internet is at risk for others to view without your permission (including the NSA). $10.8 billion of taxpayers’ dollars goes into NSA upgrading its surveillance. The government is working quickly at adding more public surveillance; this could be used for good, …show more content…

New ways to be watched were created, from telescreens to tiny microphones hidden in public areas. As the American government works for heavier surveillance in public areas as well, we are slowly working toward Orwell’s prediction. Winston’s diary was figured out from specks of dust placed onto the cover; something so tiny which goes unnoticed by others is exactly how privacy can quickly be taken away. People don’t know of the tactics used for tracking in computers and cell phones, because they are hidden inside the devices. Winston knew of the telescreens as we know of surveillance cameras; yet, what happens to the footage after being viewed? Is it kept forever and used against you? In Winston’s case, yes it is kept for evidence; but what does the NSA do with this stored information? Americans just as those in Oceania have no way to hide from being watched. Winston was discovered in Mr. Charrington’s not so secret room with a perfectly hidden telescreen. The government hides cameras in well hidden places like light post, where people least expect being seen. Our government is taking away our privacy slowly but surely in almost every new product invented. Is this helping or destroying us Americans? Orwell’s predication of surveillance happened to slightly come true; however, we are not being watched in our homes like Winston, perhaps that is next. Although, we are able to freely think and