
Essay On Get Out By Jordan Peele

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For my final reflection essay, I decided to look at the film Get Out, directed by Jordan Peele. Get Out, released in 2017, is about a 26-year-old black man named Chris Washington who is about to meet his white girlfriend Rose's family for the first time during a weekend getaway. Despite Rose's reassurances that her family is not racist, Chris is apprehensive about how they will react to their interracial relationship. Upon arriving at Rose’s secluded house, Chris notices peculiar behavior from the family's black servants and Rose's white relatives. Chris' discomfort grows as he uncovers increasingly disturbing secrets about Rose’s family and their connection to the black community. Chris eventually gets trapped, and he must rely on his wit …show more content…

Chris has to endure a social nightmare in which a ton of rich white people invade his personal space, touch him without permission, and segment him physically and sexually. They do all of this while expecting him to approve of their benevolent approval of black people. He remains nonviolent until the last second when it’s a truly fight or flight situation, and he could die if he doesn’t do anything. The majority of the movie is shot from Chris’ point of view, so it’s very interesting to see double consciousness and the veil in action. The closest text that we studied in this course that relates to Get Out is The Nickel Boys, written by Colson Whitehead. In this book, Elwood, Turner, and a bunch of other African Americans are subject to abuse and brutal punishment at the hands of their white faculty members, specifically Superintendent Spencer. While the plot is very different from that of Get Out, one thing that is consistent between the two is racism. For example, in The Nickel Boys on page 42, Elwood is hitchhiking with a man named Rodney to his college when they get pulled over by a

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