Globalization Of Health Care Essay

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The Globalization of healthcare has greatly evolved during the past decade before the traditional way of seeking medical help. Less developed nations often journeyed to major medical centers in more highly developed countries for this type of medical help they were looking for. That means some type of medical practices is limited to wealthier people because of such a high cost for procedures or due to such long waiting periods. There are several personal factors that come into play when people want to move offshore for medical reasons. Also is the globalization of healthcare either good or bad for everyone and the economy and will a universal health care bill change the trends for health insurance companies?

First, individuals lacking health insurance that was not covered in their plan have crossed borders for care that are simply more affordable. Second, other people traveling over borders for medical purposes for privacy reasons or because of heavy delays on long waiting lists for surgery and dental care. There is also a worldwide shortage of organ donors which created global commercial opportunities in the international organ trade. Reproductive outsourcing has also emerged due to legal and policy limitations of some countries. Third, the strongest driving force that facilitated the globalization of healthcare is the cost. …show more content…

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Read "Measuring the Quality of Health Care" at (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2018, from