
Essay On Health Care In America

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The health care problem in America is an ongoing topic, and seems as if it will continue to be a problem for American citizens. Health care is such a growing pain for our Government because of the fact that so many believe that the government should supply health insurance, while some feel the complete opposite. For some, health care is not that much of a big deal because of their financial standpoint, but for others, finding quality health care is a task that is nearly unachievable outside of government assistance. I don’t think that it should be completely free, but I do think that the government should assist everyone that is in need. The insurance battle, what I like to call it, is like a vintage scale. There are positives and negatives to the whole situation, and until it’s finally …show more content…

To me that is the biggest concern. To continue to run programs of these magnitudes, taxes will have to be raised for sure. The question is, is it worth it? Think about paying more out to taxes every pay check, but going to the doctor for free. Is it something you would be open too? Personally, I think it is; Medical expenses can be through the roof, and more than often people are left to struggle with their illness because of the fact that they can’t afford their medications. People actually die every year just because of this and to me that is just wrong. To be honest, it is almost impossible to go without getting sick, so I don’t think it’s fair for someone be stuck with such prices. On the other hand, I can see why so many people get angry when the government take so much tax money for their hard earned money for social programs, and still have such a high number of uninsured Americans. It almost seems as if their money is being taken for no reason. Another conflict with health care is our current state of

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