
Essay On Health Disparities

637 Words3 Pages

Indigenous Australians and health disparities

Reporting: - It is the most self-evident fact that indigenous society of Australia is underprivileged in terms of health as compared to the non-indigenous counterpart. Health disparities have impoverished aboriginals in such a way that their life expectancy is 12 to 14 years considerably lower than the non-aboriginals. Many researchers have also found that indigenous of other developed countries have better health as compared to the aboriginals of Australia and the unravelled mystery behind this is the accomplishment other countries have achieved in mitigating the health differences within the society of indigenous and non-indigenous people (Shepherd et. al., 2012). Health disparities have been majorly influenced by how the society is structured in which people grow and live. From the above discussion, …show more content…

In results of these efforts, many organizations were started like “closing the gap” to address these issues and attenuate them. These organizations have achieved their goal as well, as recent studies have shown that the statistics of death rate due to health is getting low over the period and also some surveys showed that during the year of 2013-2015 the death rate of aboriginal was 9.8% per 1000 aboriginals which is a slight decrease of 10% per 1000 aboriginals in 2003-2005 (Gap, 2017). It goes without saying that over the past period health care has done a lot of improvement which was prodigious over the period. Minority patients are more likely to refuse recommended health facilities and delay seeking care. This behaviour is a result of cultural differences between aboriginals and service providers, misunderstanding of provider’s instructions, mistrust, poor prior interaction with health care service (Smedley, Stith, & Nelson,

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