Disparities In Public Health Essay

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One of the most concerning health burden for the public health department is health disparities in the population. The public health goal is to improve health and prevent diseases among the population and in the individuals to create a healthy population. To achieve this goal, it important to involve the individual and the population needs. The need to develop and establish a program that can benefit everyone. In this view, it is important to identify the social and environmental factors that greatly influence the health of the individuals and the population. As well as knowing which program can meet the needs for them in terms of benefit, cost, and burden (Holden, et al., 2015). The social determinants of the individuals are explained by …show more content…

As a result, many of this group fail to access health care to treat their health condition properly and result in complications and death. This negatively affects African Americans or blacks resulting in barriers to accessing health care. The individuals are negatively affected in their interaction due to communication difficulty especially those who have heavy ascents Hence, patient and provider cares are poor because of lacking the understanding and important health concerns from the patient. Psychological and cultural factors affect African American with stigma but the women in another hand culturally are psychological strong (Belgrave & Abrams, 2016). AAHP progresses in the health outcome of the African descendants in Montgomery County. Many individuals from the participant in the African American program benefit from the education, material supply such as blood pressure measuring machine, glucometer, and the free health screening and nutrition demonstration and consultation as well as free healthcare access from a physician and low-cost medication. These services are free because of the low income and unemployment among this

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