Essay On Umbilical Hernia

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CAN IT BE TREATED? Fear not because an umbilical hernia can be treated. Some umbilical hernia even close naturally at the age of 6 months. If the umbilical hernia is just small, then there will be no need to conduct surgical procedure. However, if the hernia is large, it should be remove through a corrective medical surgery to eliminate the risk of complications. CAN I DO SOMETHING TO PREVENT UMBILICAL HERNIA FROM OCCURING? Unfortunately, for those umbilical hernias that are hereditary, you can never do something about them. The only way to stop hereditary hernia is to stop breeding. If you have a dog with such condition, it is best that you keep from breeding him/her because it will only pass on to his/her offsprings. In the meantime, some …show more content…

The area will feel firm underneath your hand. Are there different types of belly buttons? Yes, there are two types of belly buttons that your dog can have. It is important to know what type of belly button your dog has so that you will know if the situation warrants care and constant monitoring. An innie belly button is the usual belly button that is inward and leaves a “hole” in the abdomen. In contrast, an outie belly button in dogs are the ones that protrudes to the outside. If your dog is still on his early months, his navel may be an outie belly button considering that it is still healing and may look more than a scab on the skin. An outie belly button is more common in humans that in dogs, or aby oets for that matter. When your puppy already reaches a certain age or become an adult dog but still has an outie, then it might be because of a poor closure of the muscles in their abdomen during their developmental stage. But you should also make sure that this is not a cause for major concern, hence, you need to visit your dog’s veterinarian for the protrusion to be assessed in order to determine that it is not fatal and not a result of some underlying medical

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