Informative Essay On Petsmart

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Did you know that the average cost to surgically remove an intestinal blockage from a pet is $3000? Or that dogs prefer toys that look like prey? Throughout my life, I have visited many different pet companies. Sometimes they impress me and make me want to come back (Hello, Petsmart!), and other times they disappoint me with their service. Hello. I am Ashton Schmidke, a Petsmart shopper and pet lover in 8th grade from Silver Hills Middle School. Your store Petsmart has made a huge impact on my life, starting with the fact that I rescued my adorable German Shepard-Lab mix named Axle there when I was in 4th grade. Ever since adopting him, we have bought his food, supplies, and toys from Petsmart, as well as taking your training classes to teach him the basics of obedience. (He is super well-behaved because of this.) …show more content…

Many dogs though, especially my dog, love to rip up and chew their toys, leaving stuffing everywhere. Some dogs (AKA my dog) even like to eat the stuffing, which can, in a worse case scenario, lead to an intestinal blockage. Having an intestinal blockage can be very painful for dogs. According to it can cause them to vomit, have stomach pain and a loss of appetite, among other very uncomfortable symptoms. The cost to remove an intestinal blockage surgically is also very costly. Physical exams to determine the condition of the pet can cost $50. An abdominal radiograph can cost between $130 and $150 and ultrasounds can cost from $230 to $340. Anesthesia for during the surgery can cost between $440 to $650. All these costs add up, costing owners lots of money. Money that many of them may not be able to spare. So, in order to stop this from happening to many dogs and owners, I suggest that you put more dog toys without stuffing in your