Essay On Homeless Interviewing

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Main Method For my main method of research, I decided to use interviewing as a way to research my question. What are some of the ways the homeless have influenced the shape of private business policies and city polices in the Bay Area? I hypothesize that, in areas with a large homeless population the city and private businesses have enacted policies that hinder the homeless ability to live in that area. There are a few different reasons why I have chosen to i=use interviewing as my main method of research for this question. First, I will be able to get different perspectives on this subject. Next, I will be able to provide a more human sense to the growing number of homeless. Finally, it will be easy for me to gather the information and analyze it for a more accurate conclusion. I will be …show more content…

I plan on using other types of data collection, but for the purpose of this paper I will be explaining how I will be using interviewing to gather information on this subject.
I decided to use this method as a way of getting into the field to get a firsthand look at some of the things each side is facing. I wanted this qualitative approach to be more emic than etic. Since interviewing is face to face and I have to become involved in the sample I am researching, I felt emic was the best choice. I also felt that some of the characteristics of interviewing would help me provide accurate and valid points about my research question. One way I thought this might help is by implementing the triangulation approach to finding supporting facts. This is an important part of interviewing. When I get more input on a certain topic I can start to look for similarities between the interviews and look for common themes. One other characteristic of interviewing that makes it a great method is the ability to pick between a few different types of interviews. This method is very flexible and can be adjusted to find the information I am