There are 7 billion people in the world and each country faces their own struggles when it comes to economy, war, political issues and much more. The economy is one of the key factors in each countries well-being. If a country has a great wealth, they will have greater happiness from people. However no country is 100% healthy and wealthy. In America although a lucky small percentage of Americans are fortunate enough that they do not experience economical struggles, there are however Americans of both middle and lower class that are working multiple jobs and living paycheck to paycheck.
There are about 47 million people traveling throughout the day with nothing to their name, carrying all of their bags everywhere they go and especially not knowing where and when their next meal will be. This is not a lifestyle that is chosen. Some of these people are simply victims of bad luck over and over again which has lead them to be poor. Homeless people in America are people who do not have a place to spend time with their family, a place to enjoy holidays, a place to eat and sleep. People may be born into poverty, however there are many people that fall into the poverty trap because of loss of employment. Having a problem in finding new employment and facing with real issues makes them fall under the poverty
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Poverty and homelessness numbers have increased over the past ten years. In 1987, the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act was put into law, it provides federal money for homeless shelter programs. This was the first major federal legislative response to the homelessness issue in America. This act has been reauthorized several times over the years. The McKinney Act originally had 15 programs providing many services to homeless people. Some of these programs are: Supportive Housing Program, the Shelter Plus Care Program, the Single Room Occupancy Program, the Emergency Shelter Grant Program and many