Essay On How Does The Constitution Guard Against Tyranny

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A Tyrannical World Have you ever thought about the past? In 1787 our founding fathers wanted to find a way to protect the government and the people from tyranny. They got together in Philadelphia and wrote the constitution. The question they were asking to themselves was, “How does the constitution guard against tyranny?” The constitution guards against tyranny by using federalism, the separation of powers, checks and balances and small state large state compromise. These are some of the most important things within our constitution and are very important to know. Separation of powers According to James Madison “The accumulation of all powers, legislative executive and judiciary in the same hands whether of one a few or many and whether hereditary self appointed or elective may be …show more content…

When the founding fathers were thinking of ways to keep power even they thought of making three branches. James Madison said they need to be able to check and balance each other. This means if one of the branches is becoming too powerful the others could check that branch therefore keeping it in power. The legislative branch can approve presidential nominations, override a president's veto, impeach the president and remove him or her from office and impeach judges within the judicial branch. The executive branch can elect judges and the president can veto congress. The judicial branch can declare presidential acts unconstitutional and declare laws unconstitutional. The way this protects against tyranny is because it makes each branch be able to check the other and keep it in balance therefore the name checks and