Romeo And Juliet: Impulsive Behavior Analysis

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It has been proven that the front part of your brain, which is called the prefrontal cortex, is the part of your brain that makes everyday decisions. This part of the brain does not stop maturing until you reach about age 25. With this fact in mind, you would think that is why teens have such impulsive behaviors, and one strong example of impulsive behaviors would be that of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Although adults make mistakes just like teens, these decisions are driven by the prefrontal cortex, and adults have already matured that part of their brains, but teens have not. An impulsive action in Romeo and Juliet would be that the characters tend to jump to conclusions incredible fast, yet with adults they would think it through and think of the consequences …show more content…

Hence-banished is banish'd from the world, And world's exile is death: then banished,”-(shakespeare, 1890). For example, a rational adult if faced with a situation where they get kicked out of a store and never welcomed back, they would come up with solutions and maybe just go find another store and not worry about what they are leaving behind since there probably gonna find the same thing at the other store. On the other hand Romeo thinks it is the end of the world and just plans to kill himself to solve the situation and this is an example of an impulsive behavior. Experiments have been conducted to prove that teens are just impulsive. One test conducted included a game where teens would play a virtual car game, and it was concluded that when they were alone, they were not risk takers, but with peers present they took many more risks such as running a red light. Romeo and Juliet seem to have the idea that there is no hope and everything is ruined. Although that is the case with them, teens tend to feel this sometimes but with the guidance of adults who have already matured, teens can be steered in the right