Essay On Isolation In Ancient China

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China’s early-developed civilization occurred with barely any contact with other early civilizations of Eurasia. The reasons for this isolation were clear, the geographic regions made it difficult for communication between the Middle East and East Asia. Another cause of their isolation was the high mountains and the vast amount of desserts. Due to Chinas isolation, it has helped the country further improve and succeed in certain aspects. The historical China, additionally called China proper, was smaller than modern day China. China proper, around a thousand miles north to south and east to west, involves a great part of the calm zone of East Asia. The northern part, depleted by the Yellow River, is colder, compliment, and more parched than the south. The rainfall in most of its areas is less than 20 in. a year, making it …show more content…

Loess is fine wind-driven earth that is fertile and easy to work even with primitive tools, basically just soil deposited by wind making it fertile and easy to work with. A vast amount of loess ends up as silt in the Yellow River, causing the riverbeds to rise and the river has to be diked (provide (land) with a wall or embankment to prevent flooding.), since it easily floods. Another recurrent problem farmers in the north faced was drought. The Yangzi River is the predominant component of the hotter, wetter, and richer south, an area appropriate to rice development and double cropping. The Yangzi and its numerous tributaries are traversable so watercrafts were generally the favored method for transportation in the south. The impact of the isolation was visible in several different aspects of China, the most important being the writing system. Instead of having separate letters that formed words, they had symbols for words, which shaped their literature and played key roles to the political process, such as the ruling class and the interaction with