Essay On Italian Cinema

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Italian Cinema

Since the start of the Italian film and cinema in the early 20th century, Italian movie makers and performers passed in a successful era on an international level and have influenced film industries throughout the world. Italian films have earned 14 academy Awards for best foreign language film which out the country in the first placement in the world and 12 Palmes d’or which place it in the 2nd place worldwide.
The first Italian films were the adaptations of books or theatrical plays, using complicated set designs, rich costumes and high budgets. One of the first Italian cinema style was Italian futurism. After a short period of decline between 1920 and 1929, Italian cinema strived back with the introductory of …show more content…

The real face of the Italian film industry began to appear between 1903 and 1908, by the help of three organizations, which were ‘’Cines’’, ‘’Amrosio Film’’, ‘’Italia Films’’.
The very early films were the adaptations of books and theatrical plays, such as the adaptation of the book ‘’The last days of Pompei’’ written by Arturo Amborio. The first popular Italian actors were Emilio Ghione, Alberto Collo, Bartolomeo Pagano and others.
The film Quo Vadis done by Enrico Guazzone was the earliest big successful movie in cinema history. Movies such as Cabiria, by Gio Pastrone, was also one of the biggest productions, taking two years of a lifetime to produce.
Italy was home to the Futurists, and to these people, such as famous Filippo Marionetti, cinema was an ideal art form, being a subject of artistic changes and work like for example special effects, editing, manipulation of speed.
The years following WW1, the Italian cinema fought against the rise of foreign competition which led to the unification of the Italian cinema organisations as a strategy for a bigger film production and market, but unfortunately, this unification wasn’t