Essay On Jamestown Settlement

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The Virginia Company of London set out to explore the new world after King James I issued a Royal Charter. May of 1607, the Susan Cosntant, Godspeed, and Discovery established Jamestown. Although investors intended for profit to stem from trade and extraction of precious metals, it would be tobacco that saved Jamestown from extinction. Until 1699, the settlement was the Capitol of Virginia. Jamestown, although discovered the positive impact of tobacco, the initial unpreparedness and fluctuating Indian relations. Jamestown was the first English colony to survive in the North America; however, Sir Walter Raleigh already sailed the coast of Virginia and claimed it for the King before the Jamestown adventurers settled in 1607. Virginia, although …show more content…

Four years later, 1591, Raleigh reached Roanoke with a ship of supplies and no one to receive them. The land, which he left his 115 men, women, and children, was vacant. “No clue to its fate except one word, Crowatan, cut in a tree.” His second failure simultaneously ended English colonization in the North America for the next decade. After Raleigh’s failure to establish a colony by himself, English adventurers realized that one man could not conduct colonization; rather, a group of men could be more successful. Groups of English magnates began to form companies for colonization. One of the first companies, and the company that found Jamestown, was The Virginia Company of London, for short, The Virginia Company. In order to take part in the company, one must be a male and investor. The Virginia Company’s main goal was to make a profit in the new world. King James I granted a royal charter for Virginia Company, 1606. A royal charter was the King’s way of dictating authority to individuals or corporations while he legally ruled the colony and reaped some of its profits. Within the royal charter King James I stated his wishes: that the colony is used to spread Christianity and all born within the colony are granted the rights of English citizens. King James I also designated councils that existed in both England and, when settled,

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