Essay On Martin Luther King Jr's Ability To Forgive

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It is crazy to think a man who was arrested 29 times and dealt with racism, and death threats to himself and his family was still able to preach about forgiveness and love. Martin Luther King Jr. is quoted saying, “We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.” The words portrayed by King are just as important now as they were years ago. The ability to forgive others is a very important part of life. The quote shows me how important it is to not judge someone too quickly. We can honor Dr. King by using his words in our everyday …show more content…

When you search for perfection it will often let you down. When you learn not everyone is perfect it will make forgiveness easier. If you make a mistake that you know hurt someone there is no better feeling than apologizing and being forgiven. A weight is lifted off your chest, and you feel free. Martin Luther King Jr. was constantly being called names and treated unfairly. He was always able to look past this and spread his message with peace. This leaves me with a question If Dr. King could forgive why can’t you? Likewise, the quote shows me how important it is to not judge someone too quickly. People today are more judgemental than ever before. Our belief systems are very one-dimensional, we believe what we want to believe and people that don’t agree are wrong. For example, look at politics if you disagree with something someone is now going to see you as racist, homophobic, etc. As Dr. King says, “There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us.” The only way we can use these words to honor the life of Dr. King is by using the points he made in our everyday lives. The quote tells us how great of a person King was, but we can honor him by taking what he said and using it in real-life situations. I will take it upon myself to begin to forgive others and stop judging just as King would