Why Was David Miller King Is So Important To America Today

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King’s Message in 2017

In the world, today African American are still fighting for our civil rights and to be equal. As a human being and a minority African Americans would like not be looked at as nothing but a person like all mankind. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. didn’t fight for our civil rights and equality for it to just go down into nonexistence. He was a man of great dignity and honor who fought for a cause to seek justice for our rights. King’s legacy remains important because what we are going through now, is what he fought for 50 years ago. "Our young people have vision and are empowered to be part of this fight for what is right," Miller said. We have to fight for what is right today, the right to be treated fair, better jobs for …show more content…

We have to stand up for our rights and equal justice. We must teach our children to follow King’s example; to speak up when others are treated unfairly and take action when necessary. Explain to them why we observe King’s day and why he is so important to us and America today. His message of love over hate, non-violence and civil action as a path for civil rights and progress, is important today as ever. We need his message more now, because in many ways the division that still exists, not just along racial lines but on culture, political and social lines. ("For African-Americans today, there is no question that we must focus on the economics of equal opportunity,") says Gov. Wilder. …show more content…

It takes an army to fight and get the justice we deserve. King’s letter to the clergymen “that in any of his campaigns which are non-violent he said there are four steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injusties exist; negation; self-purification; and direct action. When I see protests and marches on tv they follow all the steps of a peaceful march, but they have no control over anyone who gets violent to spread the word. No other race will really understand what we go through on a daily basis. I don’t know how my ancestors were treated as slaves, but we are free and should be treated that way. Slavery is dead and gone, we are free. "If Dr. King were alive today, " says Benjamin L. Hooks, CEO and executive director of the NAACP his message for Blacks and Whites would be the message he gave during his life: 'We must learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish apart as tools” (116)

I believe if King was still alive he would urge us to find areas of agreement to respect each other when we don’t agree and always speak against evil. Do all things in love. This world is not perfect and would never be rid of hate, but being compassionate on your beliefs and trusting your heart on what you feel will make a big difference in the change that is coming. Justice for all, we are free no man should take that from us. “Free at last! Free at last! Thank