
Essay On Mass Incarceration

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Works Cited
Bonds, A. (2009). Discipline and Devolution: Constructions of Poverty, Race, and Criminality in the Politics of Rural Prison Development. Antipode, 41(3), 416-438. The demand in the population increases tremendously daily. This article describes mass incarceration as a trend. How the development of prisons are on the raise due to the trend. Increasing criminalization in communities and imposing cruel punishments for minor offenses. This article explores how cultural productions of poverty and exclusion intersect with prison development. How those in poverty are more likely to be targeted due to their race, ethnicity, and class. Further, the article argue that these trends of prisons increases the poor producing poverty under restructuring …show more content…

The policy is explained in great detail and the importance of its creation. Examples are provided to describe poverty in a matter where the policy itself is the solution. How poverty increase since the policy been in effect. The article concludes by providing examples of how certain stereotypes of the targeted individuals causing this risk of incarceration to be high.
Grimes, P. and Rogers, K. Truth-in-sentencing, law enforcement, and inmate population growth. Journal of Socio-economics 28(1999), 745-757. The truth-in-sentencing law is justify and clarified in this article. Certain laws were created to in the prison population. It introduces the get tough policy and the creation behind it. How the get tough policy is related to mass incarceration. The article provides different narratives demonstrating how poverty has in fact increased because of these policies. Finally, it illustrates the flow of inmates into the prison population and why the numbers dramatically increased.

King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Ideas Across Time: Classic and Contemporary Reading for Composition. Ed. Igor Webb. New York: McGraw Hill, 2008. 511- 527.

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