Essay On Mass Incarceration

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In the United States, there are many people who come from different diverse ethnic backgrounds and they are considered to be minorities. Those who are white are the ones who pertain to the larger dominant population in society. Unlike whites, minorities are described as a lesser part of a large population in a society and usually excluded from society. In this case, minorities are those who are African American and Latino and account as the majority of ethnic groups who are minorities in the United States. This particular group of minorities are often categorized as pertaining to the lower social class and find it difficult to integrate into society. Most African American and Latinos can be found in poor disadvantaged neighborhoods and aren’t …show more content…

However, besides the factors that have contributed to the growing rates in prisons, it is equally as important to note how mass incarceration has affected the communities of those incarcerated. Clear (2008) discusses various effects inflicted on ones community once they are incarcerated and mentions “These destructive effects are felt in the lives of children, as well as in family functioning, mental and physical health, labor markets, and the economic and political infrastructures of these places. (Clear, P.102). In other words, it affects the community largely in the sense that those children do poorly in their education and could even end up on the same path. As for family functioning, incarceration can affect the family dynamic because loss of income, and the socioeconomic view of the community could decrease even more due to the fear of further crime and as a result, it will be a challenge to obtain a decent living. As well as, the eviction of a family due to the loss of income and this further leads to homelessness and a lack of food being provided. Leading to limited opportunities and no advancement for these communities to prosper and incarceration only further worsens this

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