
Mobile Learning Essay

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With the advancement in portable computing devices or mobile devices(such as smartphones, tablets, PDAs etc), mobile network services , wireless network and it’s technology such as Android, iOS, Windows OS, Blackberry OS, Firefox OS, MeeGO, Sailfish OS, CyanogenMod etc and cheaper in cost, m-learning environment are going to become very popular and developing quickly. M-Learning is become the future of learning for working people who don’t have much time and they expend time at traveling, people who live remote area where LAN connectivity are not possible, people who are physically challenge and students who don’t have much money to pay college tuition fee, buy expensive books and expensive accommodation in the city . By the use of m-learning …show more content…

Although 83 percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 29 own a smartphone,[2,3] mobile device ownership among college students is even higher but the use of mobile devices in learning by the student is only 27% and by the teacher is approximate 13% because the lack efficient, reliable, user friendly and integrate intelligent m-learning system that provide competitive exam base learning, subject base learning, assessment to know your performance, suggestions or notification regarding your competitive exam …show more content…

It has been used as cost effective means of increasing workforce efficiency and productivity. The main disadvantage of e-learning in wired network is that the user must maintain connection to the internet. As he moves from one place to another this connectivity may be broken and the access to e-learning resources will be terminated. With recent developments in broadband wireless networks and advances in mobile technologies mobile learning can become a good alternative to e-learning because mobile devices are carried by people everywhere and all the time. E-learning and mobile computing devices will free learners from necessity to attend classes at specific time and fixed locations, over a fixed

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