Leadership Experience Essay

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A leadership experience I have encountered is working with kids. I have a job where I work with kids and I'm someone they look up to and they know they will always have soemone. I've realized how much of an impact I make on their lives and how much they look up to me because if they are going through a rough time they go straight to me. Ive became close with some of my kids and they have really opended up to me and i realized how hard some of their lifes are and how much of a postive impact I make on these kids. Some of the kids I work with all from all different ages and I got the pleasure to have a couple kids come into the high school as freshman while I was senior and they were so scared to come in but I've never seen their eyes …show more content…

When I was in the fourth grade I went to visit my step dad's family in Canada and on that trip I came to a realization I loved photography and it was my favorite thing to do. I would say my greatest skill or talent would be my photography, my photography is my favorite thing about me. I love going out and expressing myself through my photos and capturing moments in life that might seem so important then, but looking back was one of the best memories looking back on it. This skill is so meaningful to me because I get to capture some of the happiest moments in some people's life and they will always look back on that time and think about all the happiness and joy they had at that time. Even if I'm out just taking pictures myself, it gives me something to look back on and show all the good times. I love photography because every picture has a story to it. Photography really just came to me naturally, I did work on it because I would get better cameras and better equipment so my pictures did start to evolve and become better with time. Photography does give me a huge opportunity outside the classroom because it is a big job to have and everyone needs photographers, whether it's for a wedding, parties, or even down to something so simple like family pictures. I fit and can fit photography into my schedule