Essay On My Passion For Computer Science

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My passion for computers have led me to expand my knowledge in computer science because I find it fascinating. From a young age, I was absolutely attracted by computer games which later develop into an interest for programming. I selected computing as my career because of its opening, modernity and the challenges it beholds. I feel the need for a higher education as it gives me exposure to the most recent technologies and to prepare myself in a competitive environment.
Out of office hours, in my spare time, I enjoy keeping fit by working out in the gym and running regularly. I benefit from this because it is a chance to push myself to its limit and it enables me to eliminate everyday stress through focus which calms my mind. I spend lots of time on the computer researching new developments in the IT industry and browsing good deals on computer parts. I enjoy assembling personal computers for family and friends and I am also in charge of managing the network and computers in my household. I am also good at …show more content…

Embarking on such a programme would greatly benefit myself by equipping me with the right skill sets and further increase my knowledge and understanding. I am very enthusiastic and confident with regards to anything involving computer systems, and I feel that this will play a major part in helping me broaden my knowledge in this field, gaining exposure to new areas of computer science that I have not yet studied. Apart from the academic achievements from this programme, I also aim to become a more independent person and make new friends with similar interests. I am hard working, responsible, ambitious, enthusiastic, independent and friendly. I enjoy helping people and I look forward to being part of the family and to share my opinions and ideas with other students and faculty members. If I am given the opportunity, I believe I will be a credit to the