Essay On Native American Medicine

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Would you ever become a healthcare professional? Do you think you can attain all the knowledge one has to obtain? It is extremely difficult to become one and depending on the institution you may experience different methods of certain rehabilitations treatments or routines. But there are some cases in which cultures or traditions include different types of methods for rehabilitation from a person without any medical education. One of these cases is Native American medicine. As you may know, during the 1800s through the mid 1900s, Native Americans suffered a tremendous amount of traumatic abuse and discrimination from Euro-Americans that lead the Natives to not trust them. In doing so meant refusing any medical treatment from educated professionals, riches, financial compensation, and basically anything the Euro-Americans could assist the Natives with which was definitely not taken for granted. The significance about the refusal of medical assistance from educated Euro-American professionals, is that the Natives strived without it. They strived with the use of herbs, spiritual harmonies, and religious …show more content…

“It’s the feeling of feeling free and healed by our deities.” Claimed one of the other healers from the Lakota tribe. Natives are extremely dedicated and reliable to their culture. But culture is not something to criticize, it may have worked it may have not