Occupational Stress In Health Care Profession Essay

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1.1 Occupational Stress in Health Care Profession
The term occupational stress is used interchangeably with work stress and or job stress but its definition refers to the same thing (Larson, 2004). Job related stress has long been an important aspect in the study of worker’s responses to their work environments. Occupational stress, according to Malaysian Psychiatric Association (2009), is defined as the awareness of not being able to cope with the demands of one’s work environment with an associated negative emotional response. World Health Organization (2004) defines occupational related stress as the response individuals may have when facing with work loads and pressures that are way over their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope.
There is a rising interest in the psychosocial work setting of health care professionals since they are at great risk for perceiving occupational …show more content…

Studies showed that health care workers have long been known to be a highly stressful group and were ominously linked with higher rates of emotional and psychological distress than various other workers of different sectors ( Piko, 2006).
There is a study done on work-related stress among health care providers of various sectors in Peninsular Malaysia, which concludes that the overall level of work-related stress among the Malaysian healthcare personnel was still within adequate supervision. However, certain job category and specialization such as supportive staffs, particularly radiographer need closer attention due to their comparatively higher level of stress (Lua & Imilia, 2011).
1.2 Occupational Stress among

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