
Essay On Ocean Pollution

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Many organizations and corporations have been working for decades to prevent marine pollution. They have been leading trash pickups, spreading awareness on the issue, collecting data on the problem, and are pressuring lawmakers to make laws more environmentally friendly. One of the leading services supporting communities to make a change in marine pollution is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, otherwise known as NOAA. NOAA has given states millions of dollars to help adapt to climate change and pollution. They also have an education plan to help do research on environmental issues, one being ocean pollution, and integrate this research into classrooms to get communities to understand the issues happening around them. These efforts have been successful in bringing awareness and support to citizens, but this issue is …show more content…

The amount of plastic entering the ocean has been rapidly growing in recent years due to unregulated plastic manufacturing and consumption, an issue that no organization has been able to solve yet.

We will take action on our issue by selling inexpensive reusable straws in front of stores like Starbucks and Jamba Juice, where straws are often sold. In a 2018 National Geographic article, Laura Parker describes that although plastic straws are not a top contributor to all the plastic pollution, straws are unnecessary for drinking beverages, so it is much easier to reduce the amount used. No study has been conducted to see how much plastic straws are being produced daily around the world, but just in a America, we use about 500 million straws a day. Marine life consumes them as they break down into smaller pieces which ends up causing them harm, and eventually harming us as we eat them. We will raise the money for the straws through a bake sale. We will sell agua fresca, cookies, and cupcakes. We will either sell these on the Tech campus at

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