Essay On Orbital Fracture

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As mentioned in the heading,the intention of this thesis is about diagnosis and treatment of the orbital fracture which my is my interest about maxillofacial surgery .In this thesis I would like to concern more bout the treatment of the orbital fractures. Fractures of the orbit are common and challenging to manage.Most orbital fractures occure in males in their second decade of life.In adults motor vehicle accidents and sports are common mechanisms of injury . However, In pediatric pationts falls and sports related injuries are more common. Orbital fractures are often broadly referred to as “blowout” fractures; however, not all orbital fractures are isolated orbital injuries. Orbital fractures could be isolated, or combined with other non-orbital injuries(head,neck and spine). Most of maxillofacial …show more content…

External periocular soft tissue and determine global integrity must be done before proceeding ocular functioning test. Some signs of possible globe rupture are 360of subconjunctival hemorrhage, misshapen pupil (peaked, corectopia), and at anterior chamber. If the globe is intact, the next most important exam element is the eye pressure. A slit-lamp examination can be another way to further evaluate the cornea and retina. With a slit-lamp associ- ated injuries such as corneal abrasions, lens dislocations, hyphema, commotio retinae, and retinal detachments. Assessment of extraocular movement is even more impor- tant in children due to the so-called white eye syndrome, in which the eye looks otherwise completely normal except for extraocular movement limitation. Since greenstick fractures are more common in children, these fractures causing a trapdoor effect and muscle impingement are more likely to be seen in the pediatric population (Figure

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