Mandibular Angle Fracture Case Study

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Maxillofacial injuries have remained serious clinical problems because of the specificity of this anatomical region.1 Mandible in its vulnerable position and anatomic configuration is one of the most frequent facial bones to be involved in traumatic injuries with resultant fracture even though, it is considered the strongest and most rigid bone in the facial skeleton2 Weakest region of the mandible to fracture is the angle. Approximately 50% of fractures of the mandible involve areas with teeth and are the most important factor in determining where the fracture occurs.3

The presence of third molar is associated with 2-3 fold increased risk of angle fractures compared with the absence of third molar, and are most likely to occur in teens and twenties. This is of clinical interest because this age is most likely to have unerupted third molar.4,5 Mandibular angle fractures follow a pattern common to many injuries and this depends on multiple factors including direction, amount of force, presence of soft tissue bulk, and biomechanical characteristics of the mandible such as bone density, …show more content…

This was in correlation with the study conducted by Sirius Dan Inaoka et al, where they proved left side had more angle fractures than on the right. However the side did not present a significant relationship with angle fracture.2 The site of impact is usually restricted to the side of fall. If the impact is of a high force or concentrated over a large area, then a direct fracture at the point of application will occur. If the impact is of a low force or distributed over a larger area, the stress-strain will transfer to the contralateral side causing an indirect fracture.14 In case of altercations considering the predominance of the right handed people in society where the victim is facing in the opposite direction, the site of fracture is related to the side of

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