Essay On Pacific Northwest Earthquake

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In recent news, there has been discussion about a large earthquake that could happen in the Pacific Northwest in the near future. It is estimated that we are due for an earthquake due to tectonic plate movement that could destroy everything west of I-5 and affect over 7 million people (Schulz np: 2015). I live east of I-5 but the risk is still imminent for a damaging earthquake. There are some predictions as to when this could happen, but there is no real clue of just how devastating this type of disaster could be. The news articles that I have read make it seem like it will be a giant catastrophe that will destroy many cities. I cannot imagine living on the coast and knowing that this is bound to happen someday. Scientists predict that there is a one in three chance of …show more content…

Having emergency resources consistently ready to go if necessary, and knowing where shelters are located in case of a natural disaster is one way to prepare. There can also be preparations made to update housing. Some of the articles talked about the devastating effects stemming from poor foundations in many houses in the Pacific Northwest. While I am not aware of the structural foundation of my house, I know that my parents’ house was built a long time ago, and would need updating to make sure it is safe during an earthquake. There are some advantages to being prepared, and making sure your house won’t crumble is probably the best idea. The uncertainty of a disaster such as this could shape where people decide to live, the houses they buy, and what their response is to helping their community when a natural disaster occurs. Some people may decide to fend for themselves and not take into account their neighbors or community, while other people may be more worried about others than themselves. The response to a natural disaster says a lot about a community, and I am curious to know how my community would