Essay On Parkinson Disease

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Parkinson 's disease and Shingles
Parkinson 's disease (PD) par·kin·son·ism (par 'kin-son-izm) is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. The symptoms can come on slowly as time progresses. In the beginning of this disease, the most obvious signs are shaking, and slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking. Thinking and behavioral problems can occur as well. Dementia becomes common in most advanced stages of this disease. I have a well amount of knowledge about Parkinson disease because my grandfather from my mother side had Parkinson due to a work injury. Parkinson disease includes break downs and death of vital nerve cells in the brain, called neurons. Parkinson 's …show more content…

Shingles [shing-guh lz] is a skin rash caused by varicella-zoster virus; It is a painful skin rash, usually with vesicles and occurs in a cluster or band location to a small area of the body. Shingles occur when the virus that causes chickenpox becomes re activated. The cause virus becomes dormant in the nerve roots. In some people, it remains dormant forever, while in others the virus gets active, if the person becomes stressed or has a weaker immune system. In few cases certain immunosuppressive drugs may also cause activation of the virus. The initial symptoms one may feel are itching, tingling or pain in the area. That’s where the rash will appear after a few days. The rash will turn into a cluster of vesicles. Then, these vesicles break into small sores which will dry and form crusts. This crust will fall off by themselves in two or three weeks. Others symptoms that you may experience include abdominal pain, fever and chills general ill feeling, genital sores, headache, joint pain, and swollen lymph nodes. Especially when skin blisters are present, the virus can be transmitted to people who have never had a varicella virus. Ain most cases these are children. Varicella infections can be harmful to newborns babies, therefore people with active shingles need to avoid contact with newborn babies. In elderly shingles can occur when they come into contact with children who have chickenpox infection. Shingles usually gets healed by itself without any treatment. Treatments are

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