Essay On Participation Trophies

500 Words2 Pages

Participation trophies can be very helpful to elementary kids or very harmful. The effect they have on kids could be destructive. But on the other hand they could be beneficial. Participation trophies are beneficial because they make kids fall in love with playing sports and they boost confidence.

Participation trophies make kids fall in love with their sport. Participation trophies remind young kids that they are part of something, and may help build enthusiasm to return for another season…¨ ( Text 3, lines 12-13). Making kids feel good about the sport they are playing will encourage them to play the sport for another year, or maybe the rest of their life. By giving a kid a trophy it will encourage them to keep playing their sport. ¨In southern California, a regional branch of the American Youth Soccer Organization (A.Y.S.O) hands out roughly 3,500 awards each season…¨ (Text 4, lines 10-13) The amount of kids that are at that soccer organization shows how many kids play that sport. Since they are little they may need a little trophy that tells them to keep going and play that sport in high school, college, etc. This is how kids fall in love with …show more content…

¨Participation awards give children tangible evidence of their hard work and thus strengthen their resolve.¨ (Text 2, lines 16-17) Trophies can give kids the confidence to try harder in their sport so they keep getting rewarded for participation. Those little trophies make them want more trophies, bigger and better trophies. ¨… they remind kids that we value their effort, regardless of ability or results. Participation trophies tell them that what matters is showing up for practice, learning the rules and rituals of the game and working hard¨ (Text 3, lines 22-26). Coaches valuing all the players the same no matter their skill level makes kids feel good about themselves and they will want to increase their skill level. This is how a participation trophy can boost kids