Essay On Participation Trophies

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Many children participate in competitive competitions, and some do better than others, but is it right for everyone to receive a trophy? Participation trophies are common in youth leagues given to children for recognition. Many would think participation trophies are building character. However, the only thing participation trophies are building are bad habits. Showing up is not rewarded throughout life, and it is dangerous to encourage young children to expect rewards when they are doing what is expected of them. After receiving trophy after trophy, children will anticipate being rewarded when doing the bare minimum rather than working their hardest to be the number one competitor. According to Betty Berden in “Participation Trophies Send a Dangerous Message” Berden says “We begin to expect awards and praise for just showing up — to class, practice, after-school jobs — leaving us woefully unprepared for reality.” …show more content…

In “In Youth Sports, Participation Trophies Send a Powerful Message” By Parker Abate, Abate emphasises that building self-esteem is extremely important in the youth. Abate states, “Self-esteem is a big part of one’s childhood. Watching a peer receive a trophy and not receiving one yourself can be degrading” Watching their peers receive trophies even after they have tried their hardest can be extremely discouraging especially as a child. However, the disappointment of not receiving a trophy should drive them to surpass their peers, by giving trophies to everyone it suggests that everyone is a winner when that is simply not the case. Furthermore, some may also believe that children that do not get a reward will fail to understand the importance of teamwork. But when working a job that calls for team effort, one either works in the team or doesn’t, a participation reward should not determine someone’s work