Absolute Truth In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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The bases of Plato's philosophical theory is that whatever is absolutely true does not change. The world that we live in - time is always moving on, therefore, cannot be a place where absolute truth resides. Plato defines truth as a concept that is unalterable and fixed. He argued that the way people perceive the truth is an illusion. But outside the world of space and time, there is an eternal world where absolute truth resides. This eternal world contains “perfect” forms. The “abstract essence” of something in this world is more basic than the physical object itself. Much of Plato’s theory is told through one of his most famous works “the Republic.” Which contains the “The Allegory of the Cave” - an analogy where Plato attempts to explain that there is a distinctive difference between people who …show more content…

Therefore, there is no way of proving whether there is a truest form of something. Plato believes that the truest forms is timeless. We should assume that there is a perfect version of something, before there can be anything of that kind, in space and time. The “abstract essence” of the object is something far more basic than the physical object itself. For example, a circle. The abstract form of "the Circle" doesn't change. We must assume there is an abstract quality called "circularity," before there can be circles in this reality. There is a distinct problem already with this theory because this is not the obvious logical conclusion. We have not been able to access and comprehend this level of thought, so how do we know how many abstract forms there are? How can we possibly define the perfect circle without any difficulty despite this being supposedly the highest level of intelligence. It is plausible that an actual definition of perfection or ultimate truth is not possible. If we cannot define this perfection of something then it makes it very difficult for someone to conclude that there is even such thing as an original