Essay On Prescription Drug Cost

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The rising cost of prescription drugs has become a controversial issue in America for patients, policy makers, prescribers, and the payers. The controversy has risen over whether or not the pharmaceutical companies dig deep into the American people’s wallets by charging too much. While some people argue that the cost of prescription drugs is suitable, the pharmaceutical companies gouge the American people by making the medicine too expensive to afford. People cannot afford the appropriate medicine they need because the pharmaceutical companies adjust the prices for their benefit. By allowing people to purchase medicine from outside the country, the pharmaceutical companies would not gouge the people and the prescription drugs would be more affordable for the people.
One of the issues in America today is the prices of prescription drugs have gradually increased which makes it difficult for people to afford. After Donald Trump became the president, he has said he is aware of the issue and will work on a solution to fix the problem (Liptak et al.). By this, it brings to the people’s attention that he knows the prices for the medicine are outrageous and is working on an alternative. The most expensive prescription drugs are the ones sold in …show more content…

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar takes action against the problem by working to create the “Safe and Affordable Drugs from Canada Act,” which gives Americans a supply from Canada (“Klobuchar”). She tries to compose this Act to help adjust the prices of medicine in America. The government should have rules and regulations that the outside pharmacies should meet in order to allow importation to occur (Gutknecht). If rules and regulations are met, the pharmacies should be eligible to export drugs from that country into the United