Underprivileged Schools Essay

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The school I choose to teach at would be a privileged school .I would choose a privalged school because ive been thought in a “middle class” school .My school was mostly an achademic based school without much interclass competition .The school ive been thought at has similar qualities of a privlaged and underprivlaged school .My school in particular didn’t have a lot of technological equiptment to teach lessons , but what ever they had they made full use of .My schools surroundings was not as good as a privlaged school and was simmiliar but not as bad as an underprivileged school.
People should be against underprivileged schools because those schools do not have much resources ,the schools lack discipline and they have a bad infustructure
In order for any child to learn they need to feel that they are in a safe and secure learning environment and with the right recuouces at your disposal and good educators in the school who can teach lessons adecuatly then youre heading for a good educational year/years. Privelaged schools have a lot of recources at their disposal …show more content…

If youre going to place a person in a rain forest they are going to have to adapt to their environment , same with children if you place them in a location where drugs , alchohol and a very unhigenic surrounding theyre going to adapt to it .Sending a child to school should be the best well structured place to be if the school is kept just like its surroundings outside of school the children will have an influence from that and their attitude will change accoridgly .its our job as educators to keep these children away from the bad things but to do that the school needs to feel like home to the child so they can learn in harmony and be educated and disciplined .The school needs to be an example of what they want the outcome of the children to be