Essay On Racism In America

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In America, we face many different social issues and challenges that are hard to accept. One the issues that is hard to face is Racism. Whether good or bad everyone is affected by it in some kind of way. Racism is one of America’s most sensitive and controversial subjects to discuss. Racism can be denied as having hatred or prejudice against a race, gender, or different people with different beliefs. In America racism has always been between blacks and whites. In the 1950s African Americans didn’t have the same rights like the whites. Society was not made for the average African American to live in like today. James Baldwin wrote,” You were born into a society which spelled out with brutal clarity, and in many ways as possible, that you are a worthless human being” (Louis Harris 16) Meaning that no matter what an African American did society still wouldn't look at them as being a human being of value. People slowly began to fight for equal rights.. A woman by the name of , Rosa Parks, took a stand against bus segregation by not giving up her seat on a Montgomery Bus to a white passenger (www. This soon had the African American people in an uproar. Leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jesse Jackson, and Rosa Parks formed boycotts against the bus systems …show more content…

They worked towards accomplishing “black power” and being equal to whites. They held many peaceful protests as well as violent protests. They were working to influence others to see change in a new society was possible with the cooperation of everyone. Angela Davis was one the most outspoken members of the Black Panther Party. She was liberated in fighting for equal rights for women in the African American community ( She didn’t shy away from telling the truth and was arrested multiple times for her aggressive ways about getting things

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