Essay On Racism In The Classroom

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As soon as students get in they set up their assignment’s to be check by the teacher. She walks around and check that. After that she takes attendance. After that she double checks absences with the students. Right after that she starts teaching, but before doing so, she restates classroom rules. She tells the students that it was their verbal warning. If the students are talking. She mentions that she is not going to talk over them. If they waste her time during the class, she will waste their time after the class by keeping them in. If they use cell phone any time during the class period, she takes the phone away and keeps it until the end of the class period. If the student does the same thing for another day in the same week, she will take …show more content…

She is firm when she teaches and her tone and body language gives the signal to the students that they cannot talk to each other. But, when they are working on their worksheet, Mrs. Pillars loosens up and the classroom environment becomes a working and collaboration place with a high student engagement. There are also moments in the classroom when they discuss non-content related topics based on the incidents that occur in the class. Such as how to ask to go to bathroom like an adult vs. like a five years old kid. Or, what is racism, and if Mrs. Pillars is racist by applying the classroom rules strictly which are designed by the school administration. These incidents are discussed in this paper in detail. The mascat of the school is a bulldog and PAWS is the school rule and stands for be Professional, take Action, Work together, and be Safe.
10 minutes before the class ends, the teacher allows the student to use their cell phones to play a content related game as a class in a website called Kahoot which is fun and students engage very well. They also watch content-related movies which is like a reward for the students. They also the opportunity to do exam correction to increase their grades. Each of these strategies and teaching techniques are discussed in details in this

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