Essay On Roman Women

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In women’s daily lives, they were expected to cook, clean, and care for their family. Women’s freedom deeply relied on their social status. Women who were in a higher social class has much more freedom compared to women in a poorer social class. Women slaves were quite common, and they would work many different jobs. For example, women ranged from working as a maid to a gladiator. Roman women were separated into who has respectable and who was not. In order to tell these women apart they had a certain dress description towards them. For example, women who were known as respectable would wear a long dress, also known as a stola, and they would have ties in their hair. Women who were known as a “prostitute,” or not respectable would wear a toga. Because women were expected to clean, cook, and care for their children, they were not able to have jobs of their own. Their husband brought in all of the income. In their daily routine, women were …show more content…

In the Roman society, women would nominate a dominate man in their family to act in their legal interests. By doing this, the legal system and families were able to keep the property one inherited in the man’s family instead of having the women inherit it. Women were not able to speak in, attend or vote in any political setting. Women were extremely lucky if they were allowed to have a political view. Although the roman religion was mostly dominated by men, women were allowed to become priestess, unfortunately, this was very rare. Women fell into three social classes in Rome; full citizen, foreign, and slave. For a large amount of time, women were unable to inherit a property, sign a contract, or inherit goods. Although, when Rome became an empire, women were able to inherit property, own a business and free slaves, but women were still under the protection of men. Unfortunately, there were few women who were willing to stand up to the roman